
Hi! I'm Missy Wilreker, and welcome to this new place for me to write and express. Thank you so much for reading and for your interest in what I write. This is a new endeavor for me, so let's see how it goes!

I was at Women Drummer's International - Born To Drum Camp 2011 and wandered into the "Writing as Ritual" class led by Odilia in the Spirit Lodge. Little did I know that the quick poems I wrote that afternoon, I would end up reading on stage at the open mic to such an ENTHUSIASTIC reception!

So many people encouraged me to continue writing and it FELT SO DARNED GOOD I am inspired to continue this adventure.

Feel free to comment on the poems, or give "prompt" suggestions to write upon as I am always awake and listening for what might inspire a flow of words and feelings.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Ode to a River

She changes everything
she touches and,
everything she touches,
She chooses her path,
oh mighty River,
always moving in
constant flow,
persistant 'blood'
of the earth.

Oh, Water.
She shapes her chosen
Molds it to her desires
while also moving with
the desire of Earth.
Perfect harmony of
Earth and Water,
balance of force and

I am reminded that
every moment
I choose my path.
Whether I allow
force my will
create what I desire
there is a choice.
everything is changed
in the choosing.

There is a constant,
Oh, the beautiful River
tells me.
Of course, so cliched
you'd think the constant is
But really,
this sacred River reveals
her secret to me:
"The constant is
the choosing."

I hear your whisper
and your roar
in my sleep
and waking dreams.
Your trickles and
rush of watersong
whisper stories that
bubble up from
deep in the Earth.
You rise,
you fall,
ebb and flow.
You choose your path
and then harmoniously
shape the world

Oh raging, gentle, sacred River...
you touch me and
I have changed.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Emerald Lake

Listening carefully through
whispers of winds and
chatter of travelers.
Through the calls of
birds seeking a mate
footsteps on the rocks,
I hear what's underneath.

Sweet Embrace of Freedom

Sweet embrace of the
warm waters
Both holding me safe and
Cleansing my soul.