
Hi! I'm Missy Wilreker, and welcome to this new place for me to write and express. Thank you so much for reading and for your interest in what I write. This is a new endeavor for me, so let's see how it goes!

I was at Women Drummer's International - Born To Drum Camp 2011 and wandered into the "Writing as Ritual" class led by Odilia in the Spirit Lodge. Little did I know that the quick poems I wrote that afternoon, I would end up reading on stage at the open mic to such an ENTHUSIASTIC reception!

So many people encouraged me to continue writing and it FELT SO DARNED GOOD I am inspired to continue this adventure.

Feel free to comment on the poems, or give "prompt" suggestions to write upon as I am always awake and listening for what might inspire a flow of words and feelings.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Piece of Trust

I'm letting myself be tenderized
by the "yes" and "no" of loving.

The course salts sting my heart upon contact, burning.
And yet, softening me to open for what may come
next and next and next.

I know the hardness of that outer shell protects me,
built layer upon layer from past experience.
Thank you, strong armor,
you've made me feel so safe.

Now, here I am.
Ready to try again,
to jump back in the game.
And yet, there's this soft, sweet vulnerability
that comes with letting loose
those tight binds holding it all in.

I'm letting myself be tenderized,
trusting that fine specimen I may become.
I feel the gentle, firm pounding
as each moment changes,
shifts, the shape of me.

I hold my breath and cringe at each blow,
each time the mallet may strike my heart.
And yet, I open my arms in welcome,
in trust,
in faith.
That each remolding of my insides
puts the puzzle pieces together,
forming always a newer, fuller
picture of me.

I'm letting myself be tenderized.
Is there an end to this roller-coaster
process of growing up,
going out,
becoming, being, searching inward?
When am I tender enough to love,
to live,
to be at peace? To be?

Maybe, the ending never comes.
But I hope, someday,
to be well-seasoned, perfectly cooked,
and ready to taste the sweetness that love has to offer.

For now, exhale.
Allowing all that is life
to shape, shift,

this being I know as myself.

(Dedicated to MDW)

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