
Hi! I'm Missy Wilreker, and welcome to this new place for me to write and express. Thank you so much for reading and for your interest in what I write. This is a new endeavor for me, so let's see how it goes!

I was at Women Drummer's International - Born To Drum Camp 2011 and wandered into the "Writing as Ritual" class led by Odilia in the Spirit Lodge. Little did I know that the quick poems I wrote that afternoon, I would end up reading on stage at the open mic to such an ENTHUSIASTIC reception!

So many people encouraged me to continue writing and it FELT SO DARNED GOOD I am inspired to continue this adventure.

Feel free to comment on the poems, or give "prompt" suggestions to write upon as I am always awake and listening for what might inspire a flow of words and feelings.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

A Rebirth

I am the newborn child,
single in focus from
wakefulness again to sleep.
Taking in
that which is needed to sustain.
And, what will sustain,
satiate an appetite to absorb
all life?
Sunlight warming my skin,
just peeking through the clouds
for a brief moment.
Searching, light-heartedly
in hopes of a rainbow
in the sky.
Cozy feet, under covers
a cat purring on top
with the gentle patter of
raindrops against the window pane.
My body, moving
to tribal rhythms of
the drums;
or is that my very own
racing from the
pure exhilaration that comes
with moving freeling?
Passion of orgasm waves
through me uncontrolled,
released to breathe alive!
What else is needed to sustain?
How much life
can I take in,
digesting it all to
feed my soul's desires?

I hunger for that aliveness;
that giddy laughter
which feeds me
even deeper than
any bite ever could.
I take it all in with
new eyes of wonderment
welcoming all life to

I see clearly that which
I once thought I knew
and now re-learn,
a cleansing breath
of air like
the first taste of sweetness,
rolls around in me and
delights my senses.
I digest it all,
letting the vibrancy of
life feed my cells,
opening  me
to joyful bliss of
what, simply,
Processing the light
and blessings that
all layers.
And becoming...
to the oneness of it all.

I've heard:
"From womb to tomb,
our lives are not our own.
We are bound to others,
past and present.
And, by each crime,
and every kindess,
we birth our future".
Yes, we are connected.
Not solely to
each other
but to all;
the starlight that
in this one's eyes
with fresh sight
is knowing.

I am hte newborn child
single in focus from
wakefulness again to sleep. 
Letting go of all this completed,
no longer needed,
returning to the earth
once again stuff.
The stories of who I can become and
what other want me to be.
of the scary things.
The ideas of
"not enough"
"should" and

I am.

We are.

That's it!

Those old crusty
used up pieces of
my soul....
let go
let go
let go!
Who are you, anyway?
Certainly not me.
As one teacher says:
"Nothing you'll ever need".
And in releasing all that
old, used up stuff,
I bless that which
once fed me,
sustained me and
got me to this place.
"Every crime and every kindness..."
Both birth our future,
certainly birth mine.
Blessed are my choices,
forgiveness to them,
and deep committment for
who I am now,
all of that.
Even that which I release is
part of me,
and isn't that the
the trance we are in of
good adn bad
me and other.

"We are bound to others,
past and present"
I am bound to
all my selves
past and present.

I am the wise,
newborn child
singe in focus from
wakefulness again to sleep.
Every choice,
kindness and crome,
before me
the door is open
to birth my future.

(December Spark Circle, 2012, my journey in Get Your Body Back, credits to: "Cloud Atlas" and Sylvia Brallier)

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